Wed, November 25, 2020
Don't Promise.all() everything at once
In short, don't execute thousands of Promises at once. Please either,
- Do in batch
- Keep space between ones
And this applies not only to JavaScript, but also anything that are parallel, or parallel-like in nature, including Threads.
Don't just do this. You will either break your own API, or get blocked.
// const vocabs = fs.readFileSync('vocabs.txt', 'utf-8').trim().split(/\n/g)
// console.log(vocab.length) //=> 100,000
// const resultMap = new Map<string, Result>()
// const lookup: (v: string) => Promise<Result> = (v) => fetch(`/api?q=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`)
// .then((r) => r.json())
// .then((r) => resultMap.set(v, r))
await Promise.all( => lookup(v)))
const promises = => () => lookup(v))
const batchSize = 100
for (let i = 0; i < promises.length; i += batchSize) {
await Promise.all(promises.slice(i, i + batchSize).map((p) => p()))
Keeping the space in-between
const sleep = (msec: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, msec))
await Promise.all(, i) => sleep(50 * i).then(() => lookup(v)))